
this is something that a friend of mine found in
the email headers when I used Mail::Mailer to
open up the connection to him....

> At 01:45 PM 8/28/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>> X-UIDL: >'p"!d"G!!jcj"!MY/"!

I used the Mail::Mailer because the isp providing
the dns resolution for his host was TangoUniform,
but I know his IP address and so could plonk it
into the code and let it go:

  my %smtpArgs = (
     'Server' =>  '' ,
     'Hello' =>'bobofep.starwars.nation' ,
     'Debug' => 1
  ) ;

but for the life of me, I do not see this X-UIDL in
my outgoing traffic - is that something on his side
that his MTA is inserting???



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