fliptop wrote:

> On Tue, 3 Sep 2002 at 11:05, Mike(mickako)Blezien opined:
> M:Need to come up with a script to monitor a special POP3 account that will be
> M:used to tigger another script.. was hoping someone could direct me or supply an
> M:example of how to retreive an email from a POP account.
> M:
> M:Basically this will automatically monitor the POP account via a cron job,.. no
> M:problems there, but what is the best way to retrieve the email, via Perl, so the
> M:other script can be triggered... hope this is clear ;)
> use procmail to pipe the email to a perl script, then use mail::audit to
> process the message.  the instructions for doing this come with the
> documentation for mail::audit.  you don't need to use a cron job if you
> use procmail.
> http://search.cpan.org/author/SIMON/Mail-Audit-2.1/

I wish I would have known about this script before.  I just finished a project that
was to watch an email account.  I just used mailx as my mail checker and to move the
mail to the mbox file it creates in the users home account.  Then I used perls'
parsing abilities to parse up the emails and do what I wanted with them.  Oh well,
looks like I could use this to re-work it in the future, if I get bored.
Then again... if it ain't broke......

Just Your Friendly Neighborhood

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