On Thu, 5 Sep 2002 21:09:58 +0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Octavian Rasnita)

>I want to split a string but it is a little too complicated for me.
>If it is too complicated, don't give me an answer but just a little hint to
>the right direction.
>I have a string like the following example (used to search in a search
>"perl editor" free "blind accessible"
>I would like to split this string in such a way, so I would have 3 strings:
>perl editor
>blind accessible

Here's an idea.

$str = '"perl editor" free "blind accessible"';

(@array) = $str=~ /"(.*)"(.*)"(.*)"/;

$"="\n"; #to print each array element on a line
print "@array\n";

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