Naomi Arries wrote:

> Could anyone assist me with the following:
> Let me explain when running  exe some program on my c:
> drive the program, pulls the two input text file and
> produce two outputfile.
> In addition the program then display a screen output[see
> attachment.
> My request:
> 1) I want for this screen output to be send back to the
> user by CGI / HTML page.
> 2) On the same page I want an email prompt block that would
> enable the user to enter his/her email address.
> The idea is for the output file (train_out.txt and
> nnet_out.txt) to be emailed to the user.
>  I currently have this perlscript[] that does
> not really do what I want
> Will you be able to do this for me?
> Thanks in advance.
> Bruce
> ==
> Find businesses and have your business found:

in your script, you have:

my $results = `BruceaBackprop.exe`;

you are capturing everything in one line. if you print that to the console, 
it will look fine but when you print it to a browser, html will ignore the 
\n newline and print everyting in one line. is this what you mean by 'does 
not really do what i want'? if so, simply convert \n to <br> like:

$results =~ s/\n/<br>/g;


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