
I'm using a cgi script which creates an html form, using a radio button
and a submit button, and I'm trying to find a way for the cgi code to
return two variables under one "onClick" command.

Here's the line-

<input type=radio name=item value=\"$urlname/$filename\"

As you can see, when the user clicks on the submit button, after making
the radio button selection, the "onClick"  command sets the java variable
"selectIndexItem" to (\"$urlname/filename\") and sends it to the
javascript section of the script.  This works fine if I stop the line at
that point, and use only one variable.

However, I'd also like to send the second variable "filenameSelected", set
to the value (\"$filename\"), and, at the same time.  As you can see, I
tried doing this by separating the two variables with an ampersand.
However, that doesn't work.

Can anyone help?



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