>>On Thu, 19 Sep 2002 at 08:20, Alex Agerholm opined:
>> AA:I am writing a CGI application/script in Perl which I am going to sell
>> AA:This application uses a few Perl modules (CGI.pm, Session.pm) which is
>> AA:covered by the GPL.
>> AA:How am I going to handle that, when I do not want to release my application
>> AA:under GPL ?
>> AA:
>> AA:In other words how can you use Perl modules under GPL in commercial
>> AA:applications without making your application public ?

You just make your original portions of code proprietary, and state it
in the software.  You can have a mixed bag of software, some parts
GPL'd and other's not.  Just make sure you clearly define what parts are
not GPL'd, try to keep them in separate subroutines. It may be a waste
of time, because any decent programmer can take some code, and rewrite
it to do the same thing, but make it look different.  But at least it
will give you legal rights if some customer starts posting your code on
a website; or if a customer employee confesses to selling copies.

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