On 19 Sep 2002 at 18:48, Greg Schiedler wrote:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> #
> $username=$ARGV[0];
> $password=$ARGV[1];
> $newpassword=$ARGV[2];
> #
> perl -pi -e 
> 's/^($username)(\s+.*)($password)(.*)$/${1}${2}$newpassword${4}/' 
> users-file.txt

You're already in perl so you don't need to call it again. Change the line 
above to:


You will need to read-in the user file via open and find the location of 
the record you want to change before issuing that command. See 'perldoc -f 
open' for details. 

> And the 2nd application I want to implement is to find a given username and
> password and if found remove them from the file.

Once you figure out how to do the above, this will become more clear.

Work on some code and post a sample if you have problems.

Good luck,

 Lead Developer
 Knowmad Services Inc. || Internet Applications & Database Integration

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