"Avoid Javascript" is a pretty far-reaching statement. If you want to launch
a popup window, Perl isn't going to do that, Javascript is. It only takes
one or two lines of client-side code. There are easy-to-follow Javascript
primers at

        http://javascript.internet.com and


With regard to the database functionality, Perl and MySQL are powerful tools
if you have the time and inclination to learn them.

Good reading: 'Learning Perl', 'Perl in a Nutshell', 'CGI Programming with
Perl' and 'Programming the Perl DBI' (all O'Reilly books). There is also an
O'Reilly MySQL book but I forget the name of it. Actually the documentation
that comes with the MySQL distribution is quite good.


I also like the SAMS series of SQL books ('Teach Yourself SQL in ...').

This is really a time and learning curve issue. If you don't have much time,
maybe an off-the-shelf CGI is the answer. But I think you'll probably get
more benefit in the long run if you go through the steps of building it

Scot R.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 10:02 AM
Subject: Re: pop-up window with database access

On Fri, 27 Sep 2002 14:43:50 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jim Lundeen)

>I'm creating a web site for our department at my school.  We have a
>sign-up form for a society that people can join.  I want to create a
>MySQL database of university names and allow the user to click on a
>"Lookup" button on the sign-up form when they get to the field
>"University Affiliation" and the pop-up window would then go out and get
>a list of universities in the database and allow them to select the
>university they are with, then the selected value would be put in the
>correct text box on the main page form.      I would guess that
>JavaScript is involved, but I don't know.
>Any help (detailed help!) would be very much appreciated by many
>students and professors from around the world!

If you have limited perl knowledge, it will take you some time
to develope this yourself, maybe a month?
You might be better off buying an existing package which does
this.....for instance

P.S. Avoid javascript. It will cause you headaches. :-)

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