
not sure about the REMOTE_ADDR, I've never had any problems with it. To get 
an IP from a URI try this:

use Socket;
$referral_address = $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'};
$referral_address =~ m#^.*http://([^/]+)/.*$#;
$IP =  inet_ntoa inet_aton $1;

If you want the IP address in hex, just use inet_aton.


At 11:06 03/10/2002 +0100, Mike Craig wrote:
>Hi all,
>         Can you help me with this?
>         I want to get the servers IP address and the IP address of the 
> referrer. Is
>there a reliable way to do this? When I used 'REMOTE_ADDR' I get different
>values even when I go directly to my site and then call 'REMOTE_ADDR'. Does
>anyone know why? I want to use the IP address to ensure that some of the
>code is only called from my site or from a valid IP address. I want the IP
>address and not the URL so I can convert it into Hex.
>         In the discussions on cookies does any one know why when I set a 
> cookie and
>restart some time later my cookies are lost when I do the following in
>var cookieDate = new Date()
>cookieDate.setTime(cookieDate.getTime() + 10 * 365 * 24 * 3600 * 1000);//Add
>10 years
>document.cookie = escape("MyCookie=XXX" + ";expires=" +
>cookieDate.toGMTString() + ";domain=.UltraTextPro.biz");
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