On Mon, 28 Oct 2002, Jim Lundeen wrote:

> nothing that will work on Linux box?
> Admin-Stress wrote:
> > Nice, but that will produce .exe, executable file for Windows :(
> >
> > --- David Simcik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > See perl2exe.exe for details on converting scripts into executables.
> > >

Hi, Jim
yes, in a Linux box you can type:

chmod +x scriptname

it works, you have an executable..

just kidding :)

I  understand instead that you want 'hide' your script Perl code
Humm...even Perl masters bring you their best written scripts.

In relationship with "perl2exe.exe", search this list-digest by January
2002, read Randal Schwartz's advice on this topic.


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