On Friday 25 October 2002 9:51 am, Octavian Rasnita wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've made a script that displays 2 forms one after another, then the result
> page.
> It works like a Wizard from Windows.
> In the first page, I print a form for getting the username and the
> password, and if these are good, the script prints the second form with
> some private data.
> After submitting the second form, the script prints the result page.
> If the browser is not closed, and another visitor presses the back button
> of the browser, they see the private data.
> I put the following header in that second page:
>    print $q -> header(-expires => 'now', '-Cache-Control' => 'no-cache');
> After this, if the visitors go back to view the second page, the browser
> tells that the page expired, but if the visitors refresh the page, they can
> see the private data from the second form.
> I guess the username and the password are sent again from the first form.
> How can I stop this?
> I also tried to put that header for not caching the first page, but  ...
> same results.
> If I try to view the first page by pressing the back button one more time,
> the username is not displayed, but if I just refresh the second page, the
> username and password are sent.
> In the first page I use the post method in the form.
> Thank you.
> Teddy's Center: http://teddy.fcc.ro/


        print $q->header(-pragma=>'no-cache');

Your document will still be cached, but the web cache will check to see if 
there's a newer version first, and if not, show the stored document.

Apparently, there's more info about pragmas at www.w3.org, specifically 
RFC2616 (ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc2616.txt). I haven't been able to 
prove this though since the Network Officer where I work has disabled FTP on 
the proxy :-(

Disclaimer: I haven't tested this out myself, so if it doesn't work - don't 
blame me! I'm just regurgitating what I've read in a couple of really good 

Geraint Jones

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