Please forgive me if this isn't entirely a perl question.  I am able to use
the .htaccess file on my server to forward any 500 errors to a custom script
to handle them.  I'm trying to create a script that notifies me when a user
gets a 500 error message (at least while still in beta).  What I am finding
is that when the .htaccess file forwards the user to the custom script (in
this case, 500.cgi), I can't collect the name of the page (or the query
string) of the page that caused the 500 error.  $ENV{HTTP_REFERER} returns
the page that the user clicked the link or submitted the form from, and
$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} returns "500.cgi".

Does anybody have any ideas on how to collect the name of the malfunctioning



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