On Sat, 18 Jan 2003 at 17:45, Hughes, Andrew opined:

[reply cc'd to list]

HA:DBD::mysql::db do failed: Duplicate entry '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' for
HA:key 2 at nCSSW.pl line 787.
HA:I know that you tried to point me in the right direction with the code
HA:snippet that you suggested.  However, as I am relatively new to all this, I
HA:cannot seem to make use of the error and perform decisions in the script
HA:based on it.


HA:Can anyone offer any suggestions on where I can find info on how to retreive
HA:a database error message and make decisions on it in this context?

wrap your execute() inside an eval, then examine $@.  see below:

HA:eval {
HA:  $sth->execute('[EMAIL PROTECTED]');
HA:if ($@) {
HA:  warn "error - probably a violation of the unique constraint";
HA:  # return something to the user
HA:else {
HA:  $dbh->commit;

btw, this subject is off-topic for this list.  if you are still having
problems, you probably should post your questions to a more appropriate
list.  perhaps perusing http://dbi.perl.org/ will yield a better forum for
your questions.

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