> On Fri, 24 Jan 2003 15:30:59 +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Glynn
> S. Condez) wrote:
> >Hi All,
> >
> >I created a cgi perl script, its an account creation script, means you
> >can add an account to a linux system.
> >
> >my problem is, the cgi can't append the password, shadow and group
> >file. How can I make my script to work? I don't have any idea now if
> >its possible to make the script work.
> When you are asking to do alot with just a simple script.
> First of all, you need root access to do this, and running anything
> as root thru cgi is asking for trouble.
> Usually the answer to this is to use something like suexec, so the
> web browser runs as a user, then put that user in the sudoers file,
> with the power to do it. It still is dangerous.
> Another better solution, is to have the cgi write the requests for
> user and password change to a file, and run a cron script by root,
> which periodically checks it for errors, and does the changes.
> Unless you are really good at this, and few are, it might be best
> to use an already developed package to do this. Maybe webmin,
> or whatever, I forget the names.

If you need this functionality, I would definitely go with the second option
above. Have your cgi script add the accounts and passwords to a text file,
and run a cron job every 5 minutes or so (which executes another perl
script) to read the file and exec useradd/groupadd on the data contained

This will allow your second script to do whatever QA and error checking you
require on the submitted username/passwords before adding them, and it
alleviates the need to use sudo, etc.

Make sure the cron job is root owned.

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