
I am not understanding why I am getting strange data from the my CGI.     
Please point out what I have done wrong.
Dave Gilden

In the HTML
<form method="post" action="/cgi-bin/build_order.cgi">
<img src="../images/GUC-247-small.jpg" alt="GUC-247-small" width="120" height="179"> 
some descriptive text goes here..... 
<div class="item">
ORDER <input type="checkbox" name="hand-bag-style-dots" value="GUC-247-small" 
QUANTITY <input type="text" size="2" name="quantity" value="0" tabindex="26" 

In the PERL
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use CGI qw/:standard/;
#.......  unrelated code removed  .......

print qq|<table border="1">\n|;

foreach $name (param()){
my $val= param($name);
my $nextRow = ($name =~ m/.jpg/);
print  "<tr>" if $nextRow; 
print qq|<td><img src="../paul_s/images/| . $val . qq|.jpg" alt="$name" width="120" 
height="179" alt=" bag "></td>\n|;
print  "<td>$name: $val</td>";
print  "<td>", param("quantity"), "</td><td>\$Price goes here</td>\n";
print "</tr>\n" if $nextRow;
print "</table>\n";

See the result at, you have to 'order' on item to see the problem.
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