I am writing a usr login program, 

my perl are list as following.
in "Line 123" what i am trying to do is if a user missing some informatin
say username, use will be prompted to input username but all other
information will be sent back to the registration form, so user do not
need to re input all the information again. (you can see my website from

but this code does not work, if a user left all filed blank  before he
submit, some
very strang information will be sent back to the registraiton form with
waring messge. like in the firsname field will have size=15, which is not
provided by user.

How can i fix this problem?


#Get user's input

  my $username = $query->param("username");
  my $email = $query->param("email");
  my $password1 = $query->param("password1");
  my $password2 = $query->param("password2");
  my $fname = $query->param("fname");
  my $lname = $query->param("lname");

     print h4("Field with *  can not be empty");
     regstrForm($username, $password1, $password2, $email,
             $fname,$lname);# ""Line 123""
     #to sent usr-provided info back to the registration form

sub regstrForm
   print "
   <FORM ACTION=/cgi-bin/regstr.pl METHOD=POST>
        <TABLE width='640' align='center' cellpadding=2 cellspacing=10>
                <TD><font color='#003399' size=3><b>Please register:
                <TD>*User Name:</TD>
                <TD><INPUT NAME='username' ALIGN='left'
                               SIZE='20' VALUE=$_[0]></TD>
                <TD><INPUT NAME='password1' Type=password ALIGN='left'
                      VALUE=$_[1] SIZE='20'></TD>

                <TD>*Retype Password:</TD>
                <TD><INPUT NAME='password2' Type=password
                      VALUE=$_[2]  ALIGN='left' SIZE='20'></TD>

                <TD><INPUT NAME='email' Type=text
                      VALUE=$_[3] ALIGN='left' SIZE='40'></TD>

                <TD>First Name:</TD>
                <TD><INPUT ALIGN=left NAME='fname'
                         VALUE=$_[4] SIZE=15></TD>


                <TD>Last Name:</TD>
                <TD><INPUT ALIGN=left NAME=lname
                      VALUE=$_[5] SIZE=15></TD>

               <TD><INPUT ALIGN = RIGHT TYPE='submit' NAME='Submit'
               <TD><INPUT ALIGN = LEFT  TYPE='reset' VALUE=Reset></TD>
   <h4>*Required field</h4>



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