Just so everyone knows, it was for a print friendly part of a CMS-type 
script. With all your help, it was solved, with a regex. It wasn't just for 
the body tag, It is for EVERY tag, and I blocked the BGCOLOR, BACKGROUND, 
STYLE, CLASS, ID, COLOR, and more attributes to totally make the page both 
dull and print friendly. My problem was with my Regex, which was:
$blah =~ s/ bgcolor=("?)(.*?)("?)//gi 

Shortly after posting, I "solved" it myself with
$blah =~ s/ bgcolor=("?)(.*?)( |>)/$4/gi;

I doubt that would have held up. My new one thanks to drieux is:
$blah =~ s/\s*bgcolor=("?)([^">\s]+)("?)//gi ;

Thank you for your help everyone.

William Gunther

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