Horace Franklin Jr. wrote:
> Help!
> I need help using %hashes to receive input from the form below.
> What changes would I make to the syntax of the commented lines below
> to do this?. 

Well, none. That code creates the form, which is a different matter from
receiving input from the form. When the form is submitted, the inputs will
be encoded within the request body. It's up to your script to parse those
into whatever data structures you see fit.

If you're using the CGI module (and you should), you can suck all the
parameters into an array with the Vars method:

   use CGI;

   my $q = new CGI;
   my %params = $q->Vars;

Now you can access individual params as:


and the like. Is that what you want? Read the CGI docs for additional info
on using Vars (you can get a tied hash for instance that lets you change

>        my $form = <<E_FORM;
>         <h3>Hello!</h3>
>         <form action="$url" method="post">
>  #      <p><b>My name is</b>: <input type="text" name="name"/></p>
>  #      <p><b>My E-mail is</b>: <input type="text" name="email"/></p>
>          <p><b>Message</b>:</p>
>  #      <p><textarea cols="30" rows="6" wrap="virtual"
>                 name="message"></p>
>          <p>Type your message here.
>          </textarea>
>          <input type="submit"></p>
>         </form>
>     $form;

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