[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Kappus) wrote in

> I can't figure out why one would work and not the other...but make
> sure IIS is set up to handle .pl files (under the "home directory" tab
> click "configuration" and look at "app mappings"
> you should see ".pl C:\path\to\perl.exe GET,POST,ETC"
> if you don't, then IIS is improperly configured...
> Also make sure you have the shebang line in the first line of your
> script: 
> #! C:\path\to\perl.exe
> This should fix things up for you.  If not, send us your perl script.
> Good luck.
> -peter
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lenonardo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, March 28, 2003 8:36 AM
> Subject: IIS saves '.pl' file - not execute
> The CSV option works perfectly, but the XLS option causes the IIS
> server to  prompt for saving 'docsig_file.pl' to disk!!!

Thanks Peter - I'm glad it doesn't seem to have an abvious answer.

The two requests both use the same Perl script - the only difference is
in the 'MODE' parameter and the FULLFILENAME parameter. 

The system uses many other Perl scripts - so the IIS server is
definitely handling Perl OK. ANd when I test this on another IIS server
it works fine! 

SO - it must be something to do with IIS server configuration I guess.
(The problem serer is set-up to automatically show XLS files in the
browser when clicked on - maybe it's detecting that the script is trying
to load and XLS file and switches into Mime handling mode - but the only
filename it can find is the script name. 

I'll try a non-Perl CGI+IIS route of enquiry.

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