Hey all,

I just subscribed to this list, so I hope I'm not asking something that has
been discussed recently...  

I'm using the CGI package to write a script.  I'm modeling my script off the
Perl Cookbook example script called, "chemiserie," using %States and using the
$Current_Screen methodology.


I've got two pages before the user submits the information for checking.
Everything works swimmingly....

Everything, except under certain conditions, when the user uses the BACK arrow 
to see the previous (2nd) page, the textarea box has been cleared.  Now, this
doesn't happen if another textarea box, on the same page, has some
information in it.  Only if this box is the only box filled in (along with a
password box, which must be filled in in any case).

There's a lot of code, I'm not sure what would be useful to post, but maybe
someone can give me an idea on where to focus my efforts to figure this out.



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