On Fri, 4 Apr 2003 at 16:29, Mike Butler opined:

MB:Thanks, Andrew. I added CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); to the script. That's
MB:a big help. The error message that I get now is:
MB:Software error:
MB:Undefined subroutine &main::param called at simpleform.cgi line 6.
MB:Line 6 is my $username = param('username');
MB:Any idea why param is undefined?

you should reread the docs for CGI:

 use CGI;
 $q = new CGI;
 print $q->header;
 print $q->param('username');



 use CGI qw/:standard/;
 print header;
 print param('username');


when you import the standard functions into your namespace, you don't need 
to create the CGI object.  you *can't* do this:

 use CGI;
 print header;
 print param('username');

which i think is what you were originally trying to do.

perldoc CGI

or, if you don't have access to a shell try


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