Hi. I'm a newbie: both to this news group and to land of Perl/cgi :o)  .... I'd 
appreciate getting some help with a form validation script!

I'm working on a conference room reservation form.  The html form has fields for name, 
title of meeting, day/month/year, start time and end time. My current problem is the 
date validation - I need it to not only check for whether there has not been a 
selection made, but also whether the start time is => end time and end time <= start 
time, returning errors in any of these cases.

My form fields for time start and time end are selection boxes, both with the am/pm 
designation included with the numeric time - i.e.6:00 am through 6:00pm (in half hour 
increments). The problem is when the start time is =< 12:30 pm and the end time 
selected is =>1pm -- if this selection is made, the .cgi sees the end time as less 
than the start time and returns an error. 

If I change the selection box listing to military time, I can get the script to work, 
but I don't like using that format (and I think most users would agree). What code can 
I use to make the .cgi recognize the difference in am/pm using the standard time 

Here's is the portion of my .cgi showing the code for the time field(s) validation:

 elsif ($in{'timestart'} eq "Select one:") {
 print "<html><body bgcolor=red><table width=50% bgcolor=white>\n";

 print "<tr><td><b>Oops! You forget to fill in the `Time Start' field.\n";

 print "<p><b>Use the back button to return to the form\n";

 print "<b>and complete the info needed. Thank 


 elsif ($in{'timeend'} eq "Select one:") {

 print "<html><body bgcolor=red><table width=50% bgcolor=white>\n";

 print "<tr><td><b>Oops! You forget to fill in the `Time End' field.\n";

 print "<p><b>Use the back button to return to the form\n";

# print "<b>and complete the info needed. Thank 


if ($in{'timestart'} >= $in{'timeend'} ) {

print "<html><body bgcolor=red><table width=50% bgcolor=white>\n";

print "<tr><td><center><b>Oops!</center>\n";

print "<b>Your `<font color=red>Time Start and Time End' *are in conflict*</font><br> 

print "<b>Please use the back button to return to the\n"; 

print "<b>reservation form, and reselect your \n";

print "<b>start or end time.<br>\n";

print "<center><b>Thank you!</b></center></td></tr></table></body></html>";


else {


FYI-After this portion of the code, the .cgi is to open the .txt database and check 
for any duplicate entry. If none found, it writes; if duplicate date found, it should 
return another error. But haven't gotten that far yet!

Thanks in advance for help correcting/completing this code!


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