You have some code for us to view?



It's an image map and I don't think it's a path problem as the images are appearing.

The problematic function is below. It works with this style definition:

#elMenuOver {
    position: absolute;
    visibility: hidden;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;

And here's the call from the MAP tag:
<area shape="rect" coords="-4,83 58,98"
onmouseout="mapOver(1,false)" alt="Search">

The function is supposed to crop the image and place it over the nav menu and turn one of the nav items orangish. See:
for an example.

The cropping isn't happening on the cgi-generated page. The entire orangish image appears on top of the current image. (Sorry but I don't have a live sample of that yet that can be shown.)

So here's the function. Please note that it's not my JS and I don't do a lot of JS and I'm not looking for a complete overhaul as I just got it working OK in most browsers (that's what the 'gecko' code is about).


function mapOver(which,on) { if (!ver4) { return; } if (IE4) { whichEl =; } else if (gecko) {whichEl = document.getElementById("elMenuOver");} else { whichEl = document.elMenu.document.elMenuOver; };

    if (!on) {
      if (gecko) { = "hidden"; return;
      } else {
        whichEl.visibility = "hidden"; return;

    clLeft = arPopups[which][0];
    clRight = arPopups[which][1];

    if (which < 6) {
          clTop = 83;
          clBot = 98;
    } else {
          clTop = 101;
          clBot = 118;

    if (NS4) {
           whichEl.clip.left = clLeft;
           whichEl.clip.right = clRight;
  = clTop;
           whichEl.clip.bottom = clBot;
        else if (gecko) {
           tempStr = "rect(";
           tempStr += clTop;
           tempStr += " ";
           tempStr += clRight;
           tempStr += " ";
           tempStr += clBot;
           tempStr += " ";
           tempStr += clLeft;
           tempStr += ")";
  = tempStr;
         else if (IE4) {
           tempStr = "rect(";
           tempStr += clTop;
           tempStr += " ";
           tempStr += clRight;
           tempStr += " ";
           tempStr += clBot;
           tempStr += " ";
           tempStr += clLeft;
           tempStr += ")";
           whichEl.clip = tempStr;
      if (gecko) {
   = "visible";
      } else {
            whichEl.visibility = "visible";

-----Original Message----- From: Peter Fleck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, May 30, 2003 12:09 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Javascript and Perl Problem

I have some complex (at least to me) javascript on a perl-generated page that's not working correctly. The same javascript works fine on a static page. I should mention that some javascript is working on the dynamic page but it's not doing what it's supposed to do.

Before I post any code, I'm hoping that there may be some problems
that I'm not aware of concerning javascript on perl pages.

I just finished optimizing the javascript for display on multiple
browsers and it's working fine for static pages.

-- Peter Fleck Webmaster | University of Minnesota Cancer Center Dinnaken Office Bldg. 925 Delaware St. SE Minneapolis, MN 55414 612-625-8668 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Campus Mail: MMC 806

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