Dear Sirs,

   As instructed, I put quotations on the attributes of my html file
as follows:
1:  <!test.html>
2:  <HTML>
3:  <HEAD><TITLE>Test: Write to a file</TITLE></HEAD>
6:  Name:<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="Test"><BR><BR>
7:  <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Submit Name">
8:  </FORM>
9:  </BODY>
10:  </HTML>

   As you noticed I put the number lines on the scripts here on this email for your 
convinience :)
   Here's the revised perl script as per your instructions:

1:   #!/usr/bin/perl
2:   use warnings;
3:   use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser';
4:   print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
5:   use CGI qw(:all -debug);
6:   use strict;
8:   #Declaration of variable
9:   my($test);
11:  #Assignment to variable
12:  $test = param('Test');
14:  #save form data to a file
15:  open(OUTFILE, ">>/home/markus/cgi-bin/chap05/test.txt") || die "Error: $!";
16:  print OUTFILE "$test\n";
17:  close(OUTFILE);
19:  print "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Test: Write to a file</TITLE></HEAD>\n";
20:  print "<BODY><H1>Thank you $test...</H1></BODY></HTML>";

   Upon running it on my browser, here's the message i got from the 

     Content-type: text/html 
     Software error:
     Error: Permission denied at /home/markus/cgi-bin/chap05/test.cgi line 15.

     For help, please send mail to the webmaster ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), giving this 
error message and the time and date  
of the error. 

    What I did was I changed the permission of my text file, test.txt from 744 to 777. 
After the changes, I can now write to my text file. No errors were reported on the 
html output.

    Thanks a lot for showing me the way to debug. Now, I can move on to the next 
lesson with confidence... Any books u may recommend? or articles or tutorials? 


Mark Anthony C. Sioting

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