I am extremely thankful to you for your help.

I always loved your way of teaching and explaining the code bit by bit.

One more question I searched the google for "HTH" abbreviation but didn't
find anything.

Can you tell me what does it mean?


Sara, :))

----- Original Message -----
From: Charles K. Clarkson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2003 6:30 AM
Subject: RE: split function problem.

> Sara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> :
> : An input string like;
> :
> : $name_with_id = "Deiley, Sara Jr., 1234";
> :
> : another example could be
> :
> : $name_with_id = "DEILEY SARA, Jr,. 123";
> :
> : Two things are for sure in it always.
> :
> : 1- First part contains the alphabets (caps or small) with any
> : number of commas and periods (full stops) in between or at the end.
> :
> : and then always a white space, followed by:
> :
> : 2- the last part contains the digit/number which could be 2 -
> : 5 digits long.
> : I am trying this;
> :
> : $name_with_id = "Deiley, Sara Jr., 1234";
> :
> : split (/[^\d]+/, $name_with_id) = ($name,$id);
>     [^\d]+ will match anything that is *not* a
> digit. and appears more that one time in the
> search string. In our example string, it splits
> on: "Deiley, Sara Jr., ". All of which is not a
> digit.
>     To find the last part we could use: \d{2,5}
> William of Occam gave pretty good advice:
> "Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily."
> : print "name: $name and ID: $id";
> :
> : Error: Can't modify split in scalar assignment at line 3;
>     Unlike 'substr', split can only be on the right
> side of an equation. If you set split equal to
> something, you'll get the error above. So this
> would seem more logical:
> my ($name,$id) = split (/\d{2,5}/, $name_with_id);
>     The problem is that split discards the
> part we're looking for: \d{2,5} unless we
> place it in parenthesis.
> my( $name, $id ) = split / (\d{2,5})/, $name_with_id;
>     This should throw away the space and keep the
> digits:
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> use Data::Dumper;
> my $name_with_id = "Deiley, Sara Jr., 1234";
> print Dumper [ split / (\d{2,5})$/, $name_with_id ];
> __END__
> HTH,
> Charles K. Clarkson
> --
> Head Bottle Washer,
> Clarkson Energy Homes, Inc.
> Mobile Home Specialists
> 254 968-8328

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