On 10 Jul 2003 10:41:54 -0500, Rod Jenkins wrote:
> First of all I just started using cgi last week.  So, if you see
> something strange in my code it would be lack of knowledge.  Here is the
> question:
> I have some lines that display stuff, then do more code, then display
> more stuff.  Is there a way to get the first stuff displayed before the
> other code runs?  here is an example:

Hello Rod,

        there is a way to set the buffer to autoflush...

        You can disable le buffering by setting $| (dollar-pipe) to a true 
value, customarily 1.

        E.g.: $| = 1;

        You also might want to follow up with an immediate output of the http 

        E.g.: print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";


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