Thanks, for your help, I did print out:

$PICTURE_PATH = path_translated();
$PICTURE_URL = path_info();

print header;
print $PICTURE_PATH, "\n"; 
print "<br>$PICTURE_URL";

# solved the problem by grabbing the last part of the path
$PICTURE_URL =~ m#(.+/?)+(/\w+)#;

print "\n<br>NEW:$2";

... snip.....

print redirect("$2/$lucky_one");

So I did see the problem you mention below!!!!!!

Oliver Schnarchendorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

> On Thu, 31 Jul 2003 17:58:43 -0500, David Gilden wrote:
> > $PICTURE_PATH = path_translated();
> > $PICTURE_URL = path_info();
> > chdir $PICTURE_PATH
> >     or die "Couldn't chdir to pictures directory: $!";
> Hello David,
>   'perldoc CGI', '/path_translated' did return the following information:
>   path_translated()
>            As per path_info() but returns the additional path
>            information translated into a physical path, e.g.
>            "/usr/local/etc/httpd/htdocs/additional/stuff".
>            The Microsoft IIS is broken with respect to the trans-
>            lated path as well.
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