   I was looking for an idea of how I might accomplish something and if Perl/CGI is
going to handle what I have in mind.  I have a site that will list information with 
links to
another site or there may just be additional information available.  To include the 
more information with every listing would create a very large web page.  I'd
rather have something like the following:
Here is item one (more information on item one)
Here is item two (more information on item two)

  When the visitor clicks on more information... I'd like to have the contents of 
another file with
more details come in and display just below the item listing and prior to the next 
listing.  So, essentially
it's almost like a Server Side Include but the information doesn't get included except 
based on a 
selection by the visitor.
    This might be handled better on the client side using Dynamic HTML, other than the 
fact that
this would open a very large file as to additional information for each item would 
have to be downloaded when
the page is loaded.  That's what I'm trying to avoid is having everything that makes 
up a large file - large 
html web page download and take an extensive amount of time.  Instead, I want to see 
if there is a way to 
download only what is needed and as it is needed.
Bruce M. Whealton, Jr.
Publisher/Webmaster Co-Editor of
Word Salad - Literary Magazine at:
ICQ # 15782569
Yahoo IM: brucewhealton
AIM: BruceMWhealton
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