Greenhalgh David wrote:
> A quick question about a while loop.
> I have a simple code that searches database for all entries and puts
> one of the fields into a select box on the output page. However, due
> to a mistake in my untaint routine (which I've fixed) if a visitor
> entered their name in Japanese characters, the entry into the data
> base is blank. That means that my simple while loop:
> while ($name=$sth->fetchrow_array()) {

You have a subtle bug here. It should be:

   while (($name)=$sth->fetchrow_array()) {

This forces the assignment to be in list context. That way, the while()
condtion will be true if fetchrow_array returned any values, or false if it
returned an empty list. That would make the blank value not terminate your

> print "<option>$name</option>";
> }
> stops when it hits the blank name. I can also select the ID number..
> while (($name, $ID)=$sth->fetchrow_array()) {
> print ."<option>$name</option>";
> }
> Since this is deployed code, I would like to know if this will work
> before I try it. Will the loop stop when $name is blank, or will it
> keep running because $ID is NOT blank and stop only when both are
> blank? 

The loop will keep running as long as fetchrow_array returns a row, even if
both columns are blank.

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