On Wed, 20 Aug 2003 14:38:52 +1000, Catriona Wordsworth wrote:
> When 
> someone right clicks the html page, the menu there gives the option 
> to "view source"  I would still like to keep this there but have it 
> password protected so that only I can view the source.

        a) This is an html question... but you asked it in a CGI forum.
        b) HTML is an open format, and everyone can see your HTML just by downloading 
it with something else than a normal browser (If what you want would be possible), 
like curl, ftp, ...
        c) It is not possible to change the right click menu of browsers. People tried 
to use JavaScript to popup a message along the lines of "This code is copyrighted by 
...", but how I said: HTML is an open format. I for once would turn javascript off and 
see what you are trying to hide.

        HTML being an open format allows you to learn from others, and others to learn 
from you.


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