For what it is worth, I highly recommend this book.  I just bought it
this past saturday, and I love it.  It is written as if it was designed
to a student/instructer.  (Props to Randal, and Tom)

--- drieux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Monday, Aug 25, 2003, at 09:30 US/Pacific, Jattie van der Linde 
> wrote:
> [..]
> > How can I call a function from my main script file located
> > in a seperate file i.e. for instance a reusable piece of code
> > that will generate the index of my site without having to copy
> > the code to every singe page that I generate?
> [..]
> The moment that you say,
>       Well I have these functions/methods that I want
>               to make common to more than one piece of perl
> you want to run down and Pick Up a Copy of
>       learning perl Objects, References & Modules:
>       <>
> since you are in need of feeling at home with
> how to make a perl module, and how to use them.
> { wiggins has already covered the stock perldoc sequence,
> but I want to stress that for 'normal people' from 'mostly
> sane backgrounds' it would be best to start with the learning
> book, before falling in amongst 'the diseased'.... You were warned. }
> My own Personal Ranting on Perl Modules is up at:
>       <>
> So while I am a RELIGIOUS FANATIC about 'h2xs' - as
> a way to start a new module cleanly - cf:
>       <>
> as a case study in how to spin up modules. There is
> the minor issue with how to 'contain them' in a way
> that they are exposed to ONLY your 'cgi code'. The
> trick I use is
>       use lib "../lib";
>       .....
>       use MyNameSpace::Stuff;
>       ....
> this way the cgi code will know to look 'up and over' in
> a lib directory to find the 'special stack of stuff'....
> HTH.
> ciao
> drieux
> ---
> The current state of the Documentation about
>       The Project From Hell:
> <>
> -- 
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