[a little OT in a general way...]

This was sent to another list today and I am wondering what the answer might

  > The following data was submitted from the Frequently Asked Questions
  > Form
  > E-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  > Telephone Number:  <SPI>'</SPI>
  > Question:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  > I googled [EMAIL PROTECTED] and found that this person hit
  > other online forms on the web too.
  > I was wondering if any of you have experienced this and is there a way
  > to prevent it from happening again?  It brought down our server because
  > it couldn't handle so many mail requests. We checked the logs and this
  > person spoofed one of our own IP addresses.

My thought is to add some simple field validity checking to the form-to-mail
script. Not perfect, but would at least stop the mail (until the bad guy
writes a cleverer script). But what about the submission process? How to
stop someone from scripting 2,000+ form submissions? (If at all)

Kevin Pfeiffer
International University Bremen
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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