On Tuesday, Sep 23, 2003, at 19:04 US/Pacific, Bob X wrote: [..]

I am new to both Perl and CGI so please take that into account when I ask this. Why remove the CGI::Carp dependency? I do not doubt your word I really just wanna know why.


You will most likely want something that is your OWN
handler that will deal with things that 'die' underneath you.

The CGI::Carp approach is a 'fast and dirty' solution that
will at least allow the 'cgi code' to return the raw
error message back to the browser. But that is garish.

Whereas if you isolate the things that can die, and
have your own handler to handle them, then your code
will have other ways to working with 'failure events'
that are more robust and may allow you to 'recover gracefully'
and provide an appropriate web page to the end user that

        a. that something RUDE happened
        b. what the alternatives are at this point
        c. will conform with the rest of the style of your web pages

just a quick knickle tour - I of course will defer to Randal
to go into more detail if required.



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