
I have some questions here about my code.  (which is going to have some issues)
I am going to send this as 2 emails so that you don't have to scroll endlessly :)
Goal: display database in a table with checkboxes so that the user can delete 
selected messages 

Please let me know how I can Improve my script and if you see anything that is
bad style/practice.

Dave Gilden

------------- The display script ----
#!/usr/bin/perl -w


use CGI qw/:standard/;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use DBI;
use strict;

my $user_name = "####";
my $user_password = "####";
my $sql_server = "#####";
my $table_name = "guestbook";

my $qs = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
my $secret_word  = '###';

if ($qs !~ /$secret_word/) {
print header;
print "Your not authorized to make changes!\n";

my @colors = ('lightgrey', 'white');

my ($title,$sth,$dbh,$sql,$id,$maxEntries,%sort_direction,$offset,$sort_direction,


# get form data
$sort_direction = param('display_direction'); 
$offset = param('offset');

# Get how many records there are total!
run_statement("select * from guestbook;");
$maxEntries= $sth->rows;


$sql = "select * from $table_name order by id  limit " . $offset . ",10;";

my @data_out;
my $comments_num = $offset;
my $firstVal = $comments_num;

while (($id,$datecreated,$email,$name,$comments) = $sth->fetchrow) {
push(@data_out, "<tr>\n<td>" . checkbox( -name =>'id', -value =>$id, -checked =>0, 
-label=>'') . 

$dbh->disconnect; # close date base connection 

$title = "Guestbook entries  $firstVal - $comments_num";

# Start HTML OUT
print header;
print qq|<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache">\n|;
print start_html( -title => $title );

print "\n", h2($title);

print  start_form( -action => "./display_guestbook.cgi?$secret_word" , -method => 
'POST' ), "\n";

# set hidden fields
param('offset', $offset);
print hidden(-name => 'offset'), "\n<p>", 

# Buttons

submit( -name=> 'action', -value => 'Sort Display Order' ), " &nbsp;&nbsp;\n";

    %sort_direction = (
    1 => 'First to Last ',
    0 => 'Last to First ',

 print   radio_group(
        -name    => 'display_direction',
        -values  => [ keys %sort_direction ],
        -default => $sort_direction,
        -labels  => \%sort_direction
print "&nbsp;&nbsp;\n"; # space out the buttons
print submit( -name => 'action',  -value => 'Previous 10 Entries' ) if $offset > 0;
print "&nbsp;&nbsp;\n"; # space out the buttons
print submit( -name => 'action',  -value => 'Next 10 Entries' ) unless $comments_num 
== $maxEntries;
print  "\n", end_form, "\n";
print "<br>&nbsp;<br>\n";

print  start_form( action => "update_guestbook.cgi" , -method => 'POST' ), "\n";
print  submit( -name => 'delete',  -value => 'Delete Selected' );

# Start Table Data
<br><table border="1" cellspacing="4" cellpadding="0" width="98%">
<th style="color:red;">Delete</th><th>Date 
# print $data_out;

# Sort Direction for numbers
# set up $comments_num  to count up or down
# $comments_num  = ($sort_direction) ? 0 : 10;

while (@data_out){
my $tmp = ($sort_direction) ? (shift @data_out) : (pop @data_out);
print $tmp;

# End Table Rows
print "</table>\n";
print "\n", end_form, "\n"  ,end_html;
print "<!--\$sort_direction: $sort_direction -->\n";

my $path_to_cgi = "http://#######/";;

sub init{

my $act = shift;

if ($act =~ /^sort/){
    } elsif  ($act =~ m/^next/){
        $offset += 10;
    } elsif ($act =~ m/^previous/) {
       $offset = $offset - 10;  
      } else {
        $offset =0;
        $comments_num =0;
        $sort_direction =0;

sub initialize_dbi{
  my $drh = DBI->install_driver( 'mysql' );
   $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$user_name:$sql_server", $user_name, $user_password);
   die "Cannot connect: $DBI::errstr\n" unless $ ;

sub run_statement{
    my $stmt = "$_[0]";
    $sth = $dbh->prepare($stmt);


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