Thanks for helping me on my previous question; I was able to get it 
afterwards.  I have another question.  I am trying to draw a graph.
First, I have created @1, @2, @3 within html.  This prints out 3 columns with values 
of each array on the array like below on a browser after calculation:

@X      @Y            @Z

1X       1Y            1Z

2X       2Y            2Z

.           .            .

.           .            .

Now, I want to create a bar graph of @1 and @2.  The question I have is whether or not 
I can do the following;


my @dataforgraph = (@1,@2);

my $graph = GD::Graph::bars->new(1000, 1000);
    x_label     => 'values of @X',
    y_label     => 'values of @Z',
    title       => '@X to @Z',
) or warn $mygraph->error;
my $myimage = $mygraph->plot([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or die $mygraph->error;
print "Content-type: image/png\n\n";
print $myimage->png;
Should I be placing the Section 2’s script within the html or after print end_html?  
Also, is there possible way to place the graph next o the columns, instead of below 
it?  If so, do I use a function from Perl or have to design by using HTML?  Can you 
tell me what I should look up?  Thanks for your help.

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