
Question concerning forms, 

I have buttons of the type: 
<input type="submit" name="action" value="Next 10 Entries" >
But I would like to use a button of type: 
<input type="image" name="action" value ="next" src="/images/btn_next.gif">
The problem is I need to pass values from the hidden fields to the script. 
with the <input type="image" ....> 
any suggestions?


( kora musician / audiophile / web master @ cora connection /  Ft. Worth, TX, USA)

# excerpt from my script 

print  start_form(  -method => 'POST' ), "\n";

# set hidden fields
param('offset', $offset);
param('page', $page);
print hidden(-name => 'offset'), hidden(-name => 'page');

print qq|\n<br>&nbsp;<br>\n<div style="background-color:#033; font-size:125%; 
padding:4px 4px 10px 4px; width:52%"><span class="dot">&#8226;</span>
<a style="color:#fc3;text-decoration:underline;" href="/pages/add_guest.html">Please 
Sign Our Guest Book (click here!)</a></div>\n|;
print qq|<br><h2 align="center">$title</h2>|;

# Buttons
print qq|<input type="image" name="action" value ='previous' 
src="/images/btn_previous.gif">\n| if $offset > 0;
print submit( -name => 'action', -value => 'Previous 10 Entries' ) if $offset > 0;

print "&nbsp;&nbsp;\n"; # space out the buttons
print submit( -name => 'action', -value => 'Next 10 Entries' ) unless $page == 
print qq|<input type="image" name="action" value ="next" 
src="/images/btn_next.gif">\n| unless $page == $num_of_pages;
print "</form>\n";

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