I use windows/activestate, so I use the ppm to install modules.

There is the cpan module for other distros which works similarly.

>From the documentation, the command should look something like
> cpanp
cpan> i cgi::formbuilder

( I'm just guessing from the docs though. I don't use cpan )

On systems where I don't have access to change the system perl
libraries, sometimes, I'll just download the module if it's a simple
library. CGI::Formbuilder happens to be. It is one file and written all
in perl.

So to get cgi::formbuilder in your home directory, for example, create

Then download
and place it in the CGI folder. In your perl script, do a use lib qw(
/home/userid/ );

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2003 7:17 AM
To: beginners-cgi
Subject: Re: Form creation and parsing

Thanks for your hints, I've tried to use the script from Jonathan (I've
received the scripts from zentara), but I got an error in this line:
use CGI::FormBuilder;
I think I miss some package. Is this right?
I use Debian Linux, does anyone know which package do I have to install?
Thanks alot!

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