Another way ...
opendir REMOVEIT, $dir or die "Open Failed";
my @gone = grep /\.bak$/ , map "$dir/$_". readdir REMOVEIT; 
closedir REMOVEIT;
print "Remove ", join(',', @gone), "? :";
my $cnt;
if (<> =~ /y/i) {
    $cnt = unlink @gone;
    print "Removed $cnt files from $dir ending in .bak\n" if ($cnt);
print "Nothing removed from $dir\n" unless $cnt;
chdir "$dir" or die "ChDir failed";
print "Remove ", join(',', <*.bak>), "? :";
my $cnt;
if (<> =~ /y/i) {
    $cnt = unlink <*.bak>;
    print "Removed $cnt files from $dir ending in .bak\n" if ($cnt);
print "Nothing removed from $dir\n" unless $cnt;
 -----Original Message-----
From: Sara [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: October 29, 2003 15:45
To: beginners-cgi
Subject: unlink help.

unlink <*.bak>;
how I am supposed to specify directory above?
for example I have to apply above unlink command to delete all backup files
in the Specified directory.
$dir = /home/path/to/dir
is it right?
unlink <$dir/*.bak>;
Any ideas?

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