
I'm hoping someone can help me with a CGI problem I've
been having:

I have two frames on my site.  The left frame contains
a CGI script (and it's initially called with NO
and the right frame contains an HTML file.  There is a
button on the right frame that triggers
a javascript function that contains the following

parent.leftFrame.location.href =

i.e. It calls the CGI on the left frame with a few

This CGI script accesses a DBM file and does something
similar to $dbm_file[$key]++

Now if the user reloads this page using the
reload/refresh button of the browser, the 
CGI script on the left hand side gets called with the
parameters that the javascript
function called it with.  This has undesirable effect
of changing the DBM file.
I don't want the DBM file to be changed when the user
refreshes the page.

i.e. When the user refreshes the page I want the CGI
script in the left frame to get
     called with no parameters.  

If I put something like this in the javascript
function, it works:

parent.leftFrame.location.href =
alert('Cause some delay');
parent.rightFrame.location.href =

For some reason I have to insert an alert box to cause
some delay between the invokation
of these CGI scripts, otherwise it doesn't work. 

Does anyone have any idea how I should solve this
problem?  It would have been nice if the
above would work without the alert box.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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