B. Fongo wrote:
It's my first time to use sendmail. I want to my script to send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or whoever is in the To: line. The script warns:"No recipient name found in the header" and dies, even though there's a recipient. I'm puzzled.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;


sub mail_users{

open(MAILPROG, "|/usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -t") || die "Can't open sendmail: $!\n";
From: ftp_update.pl
Subject: Software updates


You may copy and paste this at the shell-prompt to test dependencies:

You may also use this command to install the Packages:




Well obviously it isn't that you are missing a curly brace in your post as that gives a syntax error. Your example brings up two very good points,

1) why I don't drool over using heredocs as much as some of the other Perl gurus, too much can go wrong too fast,
2) why you should not mess with sending e-mail in a manual way such as piping a poorly made message into an incredibly complex program such as sendmail, but should instead employ one of the plethora of modules available from your local CPAN distributor.

I *believe* the reason why your message is failing is because the header is not being constructed properly, because the header lines start with a 'tab' rather than being left aligned as they are supposed to be. I realize that you did so to follow indenting standards, an excellent idea, one that wouldn't affect HTML or the like, but has a large impact on the mail standards, which naturally you could have avoided had you used a module because in that case you were not likely to use a heredoc.

That was a tough one, and yes I am a big geek who has worked on e-mail systems too long if I can spot that one.... HTH,


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