Indeed NOT a cgi related question.
There is probably more than just the router configuration. 
Now do this...
1. Check what IP address of the system your website is running on. If it
runs on all IPs designated to the system then nothing to worry on that
2. Check port forwarding to the IP address and do make sure it is the
right port 80 or 8080 or whatever you use, should be configured
correctly on the router
3. IMPORTANTLY... check the DNS settings. If your site is accessed
internally as, is it configured on some external
DNS to point to the router's IP address that is forwarding it?


On Wed, 2003-12-17 at 17:57, Gohaku wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I don't know if this is the right group to ask this but I have been 
> trying to access my website outside of my router but have been unable 
> to do so.
> I've tried Port Forwarding, changed some settings in http.conf.  My 
> site can be accessed at example) Locally.  But 
> if I try to access outside of the router, I can't 
> get a connection.
> Does anyone have a similar problem?
> -gohaku

Aman Raheja
AGF Technologies

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