Please bottom post.

Charlie somerville wrote:
Not neccisarily, javascript can be a server side for example in ASP you can
set the <%@ Language=""%> bit to <%@ Language="javascript" %>

Hence the words "in general"....

"Wiggins D Anconia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Does anyone know is it possible to call javascript from perl? Can
javascript be included in the same page? Can anyone provide an example


Thanks in advance,

How do you mean "call javascript from Perl"? In general Javascript is a client side language that executes within a browser (client). Perl on the other hand is traditionally a server side language, executed on the server (conveniently). So CGI is *usually* used to send some HTML like stuff to the client, what that stuff is really doesn't matter, as long as the client can understand what the heck to do with it. So if you are asking whether a Perl based CGI script can send Javascript down that particular pipe then sure, if you want Javascript to use the values and methods of Perl, etc. then you will have to work out how to convert those into Javascript and then use them as if they are not linked.

Having said that, this is the general case, clients and Javascript can
be more powerful than they are often given credit for so more extreme
tasks can be accomplished, but with complexity comes learning curve...

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