Rick Triplett wrote:
Help -- I'm getting the following compile error:
Can't declare scalar assignment in my at /big/dom/xlibertylearning/cgi-bin/reader_writer.cgi line 12, near ");"
The offending code is ...
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use DB_File; # module for Berkeley DBM w/ DB_HASH file type
use Fcntl; # to help with file handling

# Declare and assign 'header' variables
my ($file_to_read = "subj.tab",
    $file_to_write = "subj",
    $course_name = "subj",
    $course_quarter = "1",
    $course_level = "1",
    $course_max = "5"

Multiple assignment in list context is not handled like the above, you are trying to 'my' a list of expressions, which doesn't work....

my ($file_to_read, $file_to_write, $course_name, $course_quarter, $course_level, $course_max) = ('subj.tab','subj','subj',1,1,5);

Don't know what you are doing but you may want to consider a hash...


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