Catriona Pure Scents wrote:
Hi guys,

many moons ago when I was a complete novice on perl...(only a little more advance now, but at least I have some scripts running and modifying them as need be..) I had a version of perl that ran on my pc as though it were a web server....not through the command line.

Although it is great to see what is happening on the command line, I want to see the way it runs on a more visual basis, the way it will when uploaded.....

would anybody kindly let me know what I need to get hold of and where to get hold of I am presuming it is the interpreter that I need.

I am also looking for a program to run in conjunction with win2000 to operate as a mail server type thing on the same pc....any recommendations would be fantastic.

Yep I am setting up and old pc to do all my testing on without internet connectivity.

Out of curiousity why not install a free unix on it instead of Windows? Linux, OpenBSD, etc. You should probably install whatever is installed on the production machine so that they match if you are really going to use it as a test bed. Alternatively you could install Cygwin which will provide easy installation for Perl, Apache, Sendmail (or others) and simulate a Unixesque world on your windows installation. IIS was mentioned and personally I would avoid it like the plague, other than the licensing and cost issues, there is security and performance issues to worry about. Apache should install cleanly on windows outside of Cygwin, but is more difficult I imagine.

and finally....

I am hoping that someone may be able to point me in the right direction for websites docs that can help me upgrade my perl3 perl4 scripts to perl5.

Upgrade them how? Most Perl3-4 should run using the Perl 5 interpreter, any modules will need to be reinstalled but CPAN can help with that.

perldoc perl

Will provide a list of delta's from older versions to more recent, though I don't think they go back past Perl5's initial release. I would give the scripts a shot and see where they fail, then ask specific questions (probably in [EMAIL PROTECTED] rather than CGI).

Thanks in advance to one and all who read and / or respond.

Good luck and welcome back...

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