Tracy Hurley wrote:


I don't think you need to put $email in quotes to do the check, but it works if you do. Try this:

if $email =~/@.*@/g || $email =~ /\n/s;

Hope it helps,

New to the list, so apologies if I post incorrectly.

On Feb 28, 2004, at 11:50 PM, Camilo Gonzalez wrote:

Perl dudes,

I'm trying to match a newline to dissuade spammers from hijacking my script. This is what I have

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -wT
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use strict;
use CGI;
my $cgiobj = new CGI;
$ENV{PATH} = "";

#Get parameters
my $name = $cgiobj->param('name');
my $address = $cgiobj->param('address');
my $email = $cgiobj->param('email');
die &Print_Error if "$email" =~ /@.*@/g || /\n/s;

It finds the extra '@' but ignores any \n I put in the email field. Any ideas?

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Sorry really didn't work. Didn't make much of a difference.

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