Teresa Raymond wrote:

Your code has logic/implementation design errors;
see below -

my $file = param('upload');

$file will be equal to "" -- therefore the later test !$file will logically fail when it should have succeeded.

IE - $file is NOT undefined; maybe you meant length equal zero?

@[EMAIL PROTECTED] = @countsArray;

Both are empty to start off with...

print_results() if param;

Given plain /cgi/$0 execution this is never reached and nothing beyond this point is displayed...

if (!$file)

This test is inverse true all the time... Best to test for length of $file -- if ((length $file)) {

perldoc -f length

At any rate, I believe you modified - or should use as a base coding template, this code:

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

use strict 'refs';
use lib '..';
use CGI qw(:standard);
use CGI::Carp qw/fatalsToBrowser/;

print header();
print start_html("File Upload Example");
print strong("Version "),$CGI::VERSION,p;

print h1("File Upload Example"),
'This example demonstrates how to prompt the remote user to
select a remote file for uploading. ',
strong("This feature only works with Netscape 2.0 or greater, or IE 4.0 or greater."),
'Select the ',cite('browser'),' button to choose a text file
to upload. When you press the submit button, this script
will count the number of lines, words, and characters in
the file.';

my @types = ('count lines','count words','count characters');

# Start a multipart form.
print start_multipart_form(),
    "Enter the file to process:",
    checkbox_group('count',[EMAIL PROTECTED],[EMAIL PROTECTED]),
    reset,submit('submit','Process File'),

# Process the form if there is a file name entered
if (my $file = param('filename')) {
    my %stats;
    my $tmpfile=tmpFileName($file);
    my $mimetype = uploadInfo($file)->{'Content-Type'} || '';
    print hr(),
          h4("MIME Type:",em($mimetype));

my($lines,$words,$characters,@words) = (0,0,0,0);
while (<$file>) {
$words += @words=split(/\s+/);
$characters += length($_);
close $file;
if (%stats) {
print strong("Lines: "),$lines,br if $stats{'count lines'};
print strong("Words: "),$words,br if $stats{'count words'};
print strong("Characters: "),$characters,br if $stats{'count characters'};
} else {
print strong("No statistics selected.");

# print cite("URL parameters: "),url_param();

print hr(),
    a({href=>"../cgi_docs.html"},"CGI documentation"),
            a({href=>'/~lstein'},"Lincoln D. Stein")),
    'Last modified July 17, 1996',



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perldoc -qa.a | perl -lpe '($_)=m("(.*)")' | grep Martian

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