> 4.  Decoded file is streamed to user, who saves the file locally.
> Jason

Below I've provided a starting point to answer your 4th question anyway.
It doesn't have a proper strict style or complete error reporting, but
it does work (last I checked) and should get you started.

 Shaun Fryer
 ph: 905-529-0591


To download a file via a GET request

# to restrict which hosts can access this script
# enter your full or partial IP address below
# or comment it out to allow unrestricted access

$remote_ip = '192.168.0.'; 

use CGI;
$q = new CGI;
if ($ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} =~ /^$remote_ip/) {
    if ($q->param('f')) {
        $file = $q->param('f');
        if (!-e "$file") {
            print $q->header,
                  $file." doesn't exist!",
        } elsif (!-r "$file") {
            $me = `whoami`;
            print $q->header,
                  $file." isn't readable by ".$me."!",
        } else {
            $size = (stat $file)[7];
            $file_name = $file;
            $file_name =~ s/.*\///;
            select STDOUT;
            $| = 1;
            print "Content-Type: application\/force-download\n",
                  "Content-Disposition: attachment\; filename=$file_name\n",
                  "Content-Length: $size\n",
                  "Content-Description: sfryer\'s file downloader\n\n";
            binmode OUT if (-B "$file");
            $block_size = (stat OUT)[11];
            $block_size = 16384 unless ($block_size);
            while ($length = sysread OUT, $buffer, $block_size) {
                unless (defined $length) { next if $! =~ /^Interrupted/; }
                $written = 0;
                $offset = 0;
                while ($length) { $written = syswrite STDOUT, $buffer, $length, 
$offset; }
                $len -= $written;
                $offset += $written;
exit 0;

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