Alex Maceda wrote:
I have a from processing script that I am trying to modify to spit out another html form, minus text boxes. My question is can I somehow use the name portion of the POST request as a variable to have the value portion print in it's proper location? ie. I get a colon separated list with name value pairs.
name: john
date: 3-30-04
Can I use the 'name' 'date' part as a variable somehow, or is there a better way that I don't know of. Thanks for any help in advance.
-Alex Maceda

I have re-read your post again and think I understand what you are after this time, I was so confused before. I think, you are talking about using some sort of templating system. There are loads of them available, a popular one is Template::Toolkit.

Essentially you are looking to interpolate the values provided in a form, into some other sort of document?

Currently I use a homegrown system but others can suggest their favorites, you might also want to check the archives, this is a pretty frequent discussion.

If this isn't what you meant, try to rephrase your question....

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