Let me rephrase that question:
Is there a way I can store large integers (> 2**32) as
character strings in radix 10 or radix 16 and covert
these strings to and from bitvectors from which I can
insert and extract individual bits?

I think bitvector is the name of the module. I did a
search on CPAN and looked thru my perldoc but could
not find it. What is the name of feature for storing
large boolean arrays?


--- WC -Sx- Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Richard Heintze wrote:
> > What if I need more than 32 elements in my bit
> array?
> > I suppose I could use the first hidden field for
> the
> > first 32 elements of my array and the next 32
> elements
> > are stored in the next hidden field. Uggghhh... Is
> > there an easier way?
> You must not read the regular beginners list?
> Lucky you  :) Store it in as many 32 bit numbers
> as required and use pack/unpack -
> #! /usr/bin/perl
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> my $count;
> my $index;
> my $str;
> while (++$index) {
>    $count = $index;
>    while(1) {
>      (++$count) ? $count += $count--
>                 : $count += $count++;
>      $str = unpack("B32", pack("N", $count));
>      print "$count \tis binary $str\n";
>      last if $count > 60_000;
>      sleep 1;
>    }
> exit if $index > 255;
> }
> __END__
> -Sx-
> PS - Incase you missed the joke -
> the ONLY relevant part of this
> answer is -
> $str = unpack("B32", pack("N", $count));
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