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B McKee wrote:
Yeah, ok, this isn't completely on topic. Please humour me (or at least
flame me politely). I need to redirect people to a perl-CGI script....
I have written a perl script that generates a series of active web
pages. It's in the cgi-bin and works fine when accessed directly eg:
So, now I want to redirect anyone going to to the above link instead.
I thought simply putting Redirect permanent index.* /cgi-bin/
in a .htaccess file would work - but it doesn't seem to do anything.
Googling about seems to say it should work.
My ISP does allow .htaccess files as I'm using them elsewhere for auth
What am I doing wrong? Or what should I be doing instead?
Input appreciated.
It appears that the second portion of the Redirect must be an absolute link, and I don't know that the first can be a regex/glob constuct... for that you appear to need RedirectMatch.
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/$ /cgi-bin/index [R,L]
From: WC -Sx- Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
[ without mod_rewrite ]
Redirect permanent /

But mod_rewrite would be best - as the OP stated...
Also, you may want to create a simple
index.html file or a plain index.cgi in
DocuementRoot to either
HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh content=0;URL=blah blah
Or inside the index.cgi simply print-out
Wiggins d'Anconia wrote:

   <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
        RewriteEngine on
        RewriteRule     ^/$ /cgi-bin/index [R,L]
This is also possible:
RedirectMatch permanent /(.*)
(It's just another way...)
I would always use mod_rewrite myself...

Why not just move your /cgibin/index.cgi  to be your index.cgi?
You can tell Apache to use index.cgi as the default page
<IfModule mod_dir.c>
DirectoryIndex index.html index.cgi index.php

That would make the index.cgi a directory index which means it would be
printed as is rather than executed.  You would also need to turn on
ExecCGI and add a handler for .cgi....
At least that is my understanding....

Thanks all for the various suggestions. I tried most of them :-)
None of them worked. It turns out all of them were 'foiled' by the settings
used by my ISP. Executables only in the cgi-bin and no directives in .htaccess
files I gather.

So, I did what I probably should have done in the first place and called them.
They went ahead and did something (they were fuzzy but I suspect it was mod_rewrite)
and I'm a happy camper.

I have saved your instructions for future use on my own web-server.

Thanks again

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